Thursday, November 13, 2014

Transferred Influx - Daniel Suarez' next adventure

Daniel Suarez has always had my interest with the technological thrillers that he's written.  When I first was introduced to Daemon, it was an adventure that caused me to read the book in a very short period of time.

In all his books, there's always been a hint of bleeding edge technology driving the story line, with "humanity" as a topic in tow.  And this book is no exception, however Arthur C. Clarke's third law seems to apply here.

As a person reads this book, the first couple of chapters really sets up a situation where someone would have to take the information as a leap of faith.  The real story doesnt really occur until maybe 30% into the book.  This has deterred some people in the reviews, and I dont fully disagree with them.  But now that I've read the whole book, I wouldnt really change a word.

The use of "magical" science dictates the need for an explanation of the science, which means.... a dry first 1/3 of the book.  The beginning really sets the book up to be more of a sci-fi novel than a thriller, but the key to this book is the turn and the finish.

Unlike the beginning, the middle and end of the book is the rest of the roller coaster ride.  The book can, in no way, be described as anything other than a thriller.  And a fun one to boot.

So my advice to anyone who starts to read Influx, start and push through.  And you'll eventually feel drawn in, like gravity.

Enjoy the ride. :-)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Information Security Introduction

Hey Cisco, I wanted to ask you some questions about your job. I mite be interested in doing something in that industry like information security but i'm not sure yet. I talked with someone today about shadowing someone to see if I would like it and even tried to look up youtube videos but i can't find anything.

When it comes to the Information Security industry, it’s mostly about protecting corporate information.   Every corporation or government agency has information they wouldn’t like getting out.  My uncle worked for the Navy as a civilian contractor, and he talked about how some guys were getting information out through a rewritable CD that was disguised as a normal country album.  Or sometimes you want to control if people can use a USB flash drive or not on their workstations, or you can block them from going to certain sites, or even just allow specific white listed sites.

Watch all of these, then let me know how lost you get J

Funny Hackers Stories:

Information Security Career:

Information Security Tools:
Symantec Endpoint Protection :

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Farewell Sony Vaio, nail in Windows coffin

This is the end.
Yep, that's right.  This is the end of Sony's relationship with Windows for the near future.  They quietly removed the ability to buy Vaio computers from their site.