Monday, July 29, 2013

Transfered ... Zero Day + Trojan Horse (Book Review)

Book Series: Zero Day + Trojan Horse
Author: Mark Russinovich

Mark Russinovich has provided an immeasurable difference in the industry.  With gifts as Sysinternals and Windows Internals, its hard to imagine that Mark has more to give, but with these two books, he once again has given another positive to the people of this industry.

It goes without saying that media and entertainment avenues struggle sometimes to compromise technological realism with entertainment, but Mark has provided a series that seems to be tailored specifically for the geek in all of us.

In both books, the pacing is key.  The first half of the book works more as setup, instead of moving the story on a faster pace.  Most thrillers get you with a hook, but Mark's style is more of slow burn.  The story simmers and gives the readers time to breathe and take in the technology.  Part of this pace is due to Mark's none forgiving attention to detail.  Traditional thriller readers might get turned away, but techies will enjoy the extra information.

These books are a great pickup and a great pair of books as part of any techies library.


Friday, July 12, 2013

fail early! fail often! Closing before you start.

How Your Web Experience with Selenium...

Have you ever wondered why it is that you have to do the same things over and over on the internet?  Maybe you want to just have your computer automatically do everything?  With Selenium you can actually do that...

Saturday, July 6, 2013